Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Une Bonne Trouvaille (A Good Find)

I found myself searching for interesting new eye candy yesterday and happened upon a place of wonderment.  Oddly enough, I was a part of itParadisexpress is my favorite new blog and the fact that they included me in their delightfully curated mix made me feel quite honored.  Luckily for us language challenged, the text is provided in English as well as French. 

Dreamy, delightful things await you here!


  1. Idora,

    Congratulations! I enjoyed the pictures that she posted on her blog of your work. You are truly talented and so creative!

  2. Wow, Noelle so sweet, but the same goes for you!

  3. Delphine's the best. I think I've been in there three times now. It's still a thrill.
