Monday, November 23, 2009

Show and Tell: Waterbug Tile Set

I never told you about these concrete tiles I designed?  Oh... well here you go!  I'd love to do the backsplash of a fountain wall with these someday, surrounded by lush ferns and bits of water collecting in the crevices of the "insects."  Their design allows for a number of orientations and I've never been able to decide with way I like them best.


  1. They remind me of the waterbugs we used to see as children, camping in Northern California. I can imagine how nice they will look in a fountain.

  2. these would also be lovely cast in bronze and set in a pebbled setting leading up to a water feature. i love the fact that the orientation can be changed.

  3. I never thought of casting them in bronze... Cool! I'd love to tile them on a very large, tall wall- maybe just a border of the insects running across or the whole wall crawling with them!
