Monday, July 26, 2010

Mystery Mud-Dauber

And who might you be?  I've seen this one flying around a few times and the orange body combined with the thread waist is just lovely!  I guess it's some kind of mud dauber?  Whatever it is, it really enjoys hanging around the Eriogonum giganteum 'St. Catherine's Lace' and doesn't like its photo taken! 


  1. We've suddenly started seeing a mud dauber in our yard. She's a beauty much like yours.

  2. Oh, interesting! I'll have to bugguide it and let you know what it is.

  3. Oh, I think I've found it! Sphex lucae, a kind of digger wasp.
    Interesting behavior it has!

  4. Ooooh. I've been seeing these around here, they're quite eye-catching, but I hadn't figured out who they were. Apparently they prey on Katydids, and we seem to have an explosion of those this year.
