Thursday, October 29, 2009

Delicious, Nutricious, and ...Decoractive?

Harvest time leaves little to be desired for those of us who enjoy cut flowers inside.  So wanting to make lemonade out of the remaining lemons we have left in the season, us gardener/florist types are getting creative with non-traditional plant material.  Edibles to be exact.  Persimmons on a Heath Ceramics tray provide an understated yet colorful composition.

Cabbages abound, as discovered by my design detective friend Olivia (who will probably be embarrassed that I'm using her picture phone picture, but I think it's still lovely).  This particular one looks like an old English posey all by itself, but I'm sure it could be successfully paired with a halo of English Lavender or Snowberries.
Design*Sponge recently posted about this brilliant use of carrots as a base for an arrangement.  Other inspired choices for arrangements might include Rainbow Chard, the frosty purple leaves of Kale, Apples, or Chestnuts.  Head over to your Farmer's Market and see what grabs you.  When you tire of it, make it into a tasty snack!


  1. Just make sure to change the water often when you use kale in an arrangement! It can get really stinky. :)

  2. i love it! yummy and pretty :) should've used chris's phone to take the pic.

  3. Ew, if kale is anything like parsley then good advice!
    And Via- the cabbage photo is great. I don't know what you're talkin' about! Thanks for the idea in the first place.

  4. Love the photos, with a nod to the persimmon, the trees are also beautiful.
